華建集團華東建筑設計研究總院(簡稱:華東總院 ECADI)是中國具影響力的建筑設計機構之一,由原華東建筑設計研究院有限公司上市改制更名而來,是華建集團中從事項目的核心設計主體。總院成立于1952年,60余年來,憑借雄厚的技術實力和持之以恒的創新發展,華東總院始終屹立于行業前沿,已成為中國本土具國際競爭力的設計企業。
ECADI,founded on May 19, 1952, is one of the most renowned architecture design institute in China. As the first state-owned design institute we provide complete architecture-related services of architecture, structure, MEP, urban design etc. in the field of skyscraper, HOPSCA, hotel, commercial, office, traffic, exhibition, cultural, underground and urban revitalization design. Now we have more than 1600 employees in China, among them: 1 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 3 design masters of national level as well as 215 professors & senior architects/engineers. In those international competitions from urban regeneration, regional development to single building projects, ECADI can always support our clients throughout the whole process.