中國 廣州 永升源汽車配件貿易有限公司,是一家集專業研發、生產、銷售于一體的汽配公司。面臨日益激烈汽配市場,零部件“品牌化”單項產品“專業化”已成為行業發展的趨勢。自公司成立以來一直秉承專業“品牌理念”及完善的銷售和管理體系。贏得了國內銷售商、貿易商及、歐美、中東、俄羅斯等海外客戶的認可和支持。產品主要適用于豐田、本田、日產、馬自達、三菱、鈴木、大眾、奧迪、奔馳、寶馬及國產類轎車。
優越的品質合理的價錢,針對不同市場需求提供一站式采購優勢。您的滿意是我們一直的追求。 歡迎海內外朋友光臨我司,創造更多的合作機會,共享豐收的喜悅。
Yongshengyuan Auto Parts Co.,Ltd,was located in Guangzhou,Guangdong Pro-
vince. It’s a automobile parts’ research and development manufacturing and selli-
ng the automobile parts enterprise. Considering the intense competition in market,
components and parts not only require the branding but also the specialization. T-
he development theory of our company is “the branding” which bringing the selling
procession and the manage to completion. We won the support all over the word,
our customers from Taiwan province, the west, the Middle East, Russia. Our prod-
ucts is suitable for Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Volkswagen,
Audi, Mercedes, Bmw and the other kinds of cars.
Our company provides superior quality with the advisable price, supply one-stop p-
urchasing service. What we pursue is your satisfaction. we welcome you and would
appreciate your advice, we hope the opportunities to cooperate with each other, and
enjoy the success of rich harvest.