合肥翰銘有限公司成立于2000年,是一家專業生產和出口各類不同材質、不同造型仿真花卉,仿真盆景,花卉的包裝材料及節日用品的公司。公司設有研發部、外貿部、內貿部及山東、浙江、安徽、廣東四個合作加工分廠并擁有15項花卉包裝等專利。自主品牌 產品遠銷東南亞、澳州,歐洲及中北美洲。 (HEFEI HAPPY COMPANY LTD. was established in 2000, specialized in produce and sale the artificial flower, packing, pot plant,festival products. We consist of the Department of developing products, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Domestic Trade, in Anhui, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shandong we have four sister factories, so as to meet different national different customers' products demand, the products find a good sale in America and Europe, more than 30 countries such as the Middle East, Southeast Asia.)