江陰龍生生物科技開發有限公司是一家致力于高純植物有效單體成分開發的科技型企業.產品主要有單體(含量90%~98%):苦杏仁苷 、檸檬苦素、熊果酸、芍藥苷、梔子苷、丹皮酚、蘆丁、槲皮素、黃芩苷、黃芩素、芹菜素、綠原酸、甘草酸、柚皮苷、柚皮素;標準提取物:山楂總黃酮、葛根總黃酮、黃芪多糖、枸杞多糖、大豆異黃酮等。
Jiangyin Longson Bio-tech development Inc is a high-tech company eagle in manufacturing effective herbral monomers and standard plant extracts (P.E.).We can supply monomers, such as Rutin,Baicalin,Amygdalin,Ursolic acid,limonin, ?Glycyrrhizic acid, Chlorogenic acid, Paeoniflorin, Gardenoside, Paeonol, Apigenin, Naringin, Naringenin, Astragalus P.E. , Soybean Isoflavones, Epimedium Extract and so on.
“Do our best for our customers” is a slogan of longson company all along, and also assurance of high quality of our products.
Longson people will expand hard continuously and contribute better services to our customers. Welcome to choose our products and services!