海南普利制藥有限公司創建于1992年,座落于風景迤儷的南海之濱——海南省海口市美蘭區桂林洋經濟開發區。是一家專業從事藥品生產與研發的醫藥高新技術股份制企業 公司2002年3月整體通過國家gmp認證。 2002年被授予“外商投資先進技術企業”,同年獲得“國家高新技術企業”稱號。. 公司秉承‘普利天下、利在健康”的企業宗旨,倡導“認認真真做人,踏踏實實做事”的文化理念,貫徹“誠信、**、創新、專業”的經營理念,造福患者,服務社會。. 公司擁有10000平方米gmp潔凈廠房,具備片劑、膠囊劑、顆粒劑、干混懸劑、水針劑、凍干劑、軟膏劑、原料藥八條生產線。擁有從意大利、德國進口的一系列具有國際水平的生產制造設備和先進的檢測儀器。. 公司主要從事緩控釋、掩味口崩、凍干、納米微乳、脂質體、液體膠囊領域藥品的研究開發和生產。專注并擅長于藥物釋放系統(dds系統)的四大類制劑技術:緩控釋技術、掩味口崩技術、微乳化技術、納米凍干技術。. 公司一貫堅持管理創新,技術創新,經過十五年的發展,樹立了普利在醫藥界“技術,品質優良”的良好信譽,為公司的持續健康發展奠定了良好的基礎。目前,公司已經在治療鎮痛抗炎、腦血管疾病、呼吸系統疾病、消化系統疾病、抗感染、性病等領域推出了一系列技術、品質優良、市場高度認可的藥品。. 海南普利已經成為歐美多家國內外知名企業和機構的戰略合作伙伴。目前正積極準備通過美國 fda 的cgmp認證,開拓歐美市場。.an introduction to hainan poly pharm. co., ltd.hainan poly pharm. co., ltd. (hainan poly), founded at a beautiful city in south china-- guilinyang economic development area, haikou city, hainan province in 1992 with a registered capital of 30 million rmb yuan, is a new & high-tech stock enterprise specialized in pharmaceutical manufacture and research. in 2006, it’s production value exceeded 0.1 billion rmb yuan..the company obtained the national gmp certificate in march 2002, and was conferred the “advanced technical enterprise of foreign investment” and “national new & high-tech enterprise” at the same year..the company’s tenet is to benefit the world for people’s health, and advocates such cultural philosophies as “be honest in deeds and be steadfast in works”, and such business philosophies as honesty, high-efficiency, innovation and profession..the company possesses 10 thousand square meters’ clean workshop meeting gmp requirements, having 8 production lines for manufacturing tablets, capsules, granulate preparation, dry suspensions, injections, powder for injections, ointments and apis.the company are engaged in research, development and manufacture in fields of sustained and controlled release, taste masking & oral disintegrating, freeze-drying, nanometer-emulsion, liposome and liquid capsule, and specialized in four types of technologies of the dds systems including sustained and controlled release technique, taste masking & oral disintegrating technique, emulsion technique and nanometer-lyophilizing technique..in 15 years’ development, the company has been carrying out management and technical innovation at all times, and has already created a good credit of “advance in technique and high in quality” in pharmaceutical industry, which establishes a good foundation for the company’s continuous and healthy development. at present, the company has marketed a series of drug products with advanced techniques and high quality suitable for treatment of pain relief, cardiovascular disease, respiratory system disease, digestive system disease, anti-infection and venereal disease..the company has become the strategic partner of domestic and foreign famous enterprises and institutes. the company is now actively preparing for getting approved by fda and to market in the us and europe.