廣州市番禺區大崗宏勝工藝品廠是一家專業生產和加工水晶膠、滴膠、亞克力等(禮品、工藝品、飾品)的企業,是經國家相關部門批準注冊的企業。主營水晶膠、滴膠、亞克力等工藝制品,公司位于中國廣東廣州市番禺區廣州市番禺區大崗鎮廟貝村二號工業區。公司本著“客戶至上,誠信至上”的原則,與多家企業建立了長期的合作關系(可口可樂、中國克拉瑪依原油公司等)。現承接國內外訂單!熱誠歡迎各界朋友前來參觀、考察、洽談業務。Guangzhou Fanyu District big hillock great victory handicraft factory is a specialized production and the processing quartz rubber, the drop rubber, the Asian gram force and so on (present, handicraft, accessories) the enterprise, is authorizes the registration by the National Related Department the enterprise. Main business craft products and so on quartz rubber, drop rubber, Asian gram force, company located at Chinese Guangdong Guangzhou Fanyu District Guangzhou Fanyu District Dagang Town temple shell village two industrial districts. The company in line with “the customer first, the good faith is supreme” the principle, has established the long-term cooperation with many enterprises (Coca-Cola, Chinese Karamay Crude oil Company and so on). Presently continues the domestic and foreign order forms! The cordially welcome friend from all walks of life comes to visit, the inspection, the discussion service.