鴻錦通訊工具廠是集研發,生產, 銷售為一體的廠家。主要產品為高中低檔助焊膏、各類手機拆機工具、電訊螺絲刀,高檔鈦合金螺絲刀,組合工具套裝、工具批及焊機材料等,適用于各類手機、電腦及小型家電的生產加工及維修。我廠擁有貨源充足,質量可靠,價格合理等優勢,產品暢銷國內多個省份,同時遠銷中東,南美,東南亞等地區,深受國內外客戶青睞。
Hornking Communication Tools Factory is concentred development,manufacture and distribution.Our products are consist of soldering paste,mobile opening tool, manual screwdriver, aluminium screwdriver ,screwdriver sets,and welding materials,which are suitable for repairing mobile phone,computer and small household appliances.We hold many stock-in-trade,and which with high quality and nice price,so we have the absolutely competitive advantage.Our products had been sold in internal and many other country of Middle East,South America,Southeast Asia.We are looking forword to build the mutual benefit business relationship with you.
Hornking Communication Tools Factory
Contact:Shiryee Blue
Tel: +86 0754 85321844
Fax: +86 0754 85325844
MSN: shiryeeblue@hotmail.com
E-mail: shiryeeblue@hotmail.com
Add:No.Tangxi industrial zone,Dongli Town,Chenghai District,Shantou City,Guangdong Province,China