Huizhou International Container Terminals (HICT), adjacent to Huizhou Port Industrial Corporation (HPIC) and situated in the Quanwan Port Zone of Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone located in southeast of Guangdong Province, will be the first dedicated container terminal in Huizhou. Scheduled to be operational by 2010, it will comprise of two 50,000-tonne container berths with an area of 60 hectares, a total length of 800 metres and a depth alongside and water channel of 15.2 metres.
惠州國際集裝箱碼頭毗鄰惠州港業股份有限公司, 位于廣東省東南部惠州市大亞灣經濟技術開發區的惠州港荃灣港區, 于2010年投產后將會成為惠州首個集裝箱專用碼頭。項目將興建兩個50,000噸級集裝箱泊位, 占地面積約60公頃, 泊位總長度為800米, 前沿及航道水深達15.2米。
Huizhou, HICT's immediate hinterland, is one of the major cities in the Pearl River Delta boasting several national and provincial industrial parks that comprise of electronic and IT, petrochemical and automotive components industries. As the only container terminal in Huizhou, HICT's close proximity offers local enterprises an alternative and savings in transportation time and cost. In addition, inland cargo can also be channeled to the terminal by the comprehensive multi-modal transportation network of road, rail and feeder services.
碼頭的直接經濟腹地——惠州,是珠三角的核心城市之一,擁有多個省級及國家級的工業園區,已形成以電子信息、石油化工、汽車零配件等為主導的工業體系。作為惠州市首個集裝箱專用碼頭項目,投產后,憑借其在運輸成本及時間上的優勢,將成為惠州企業的碼頭。此外, 覆蓋范圍廣泛的高速公路網絡、鐵路及支線船服務更將惠州國際集裝箱碼頭的服務范圍輻射致周邊內陸地區。