綠潔水務公司于2008年12月成功收購美國IBR公司產品線,包括知識產權、品牌、**銷售及服務渠道,并整編IBR相關團隊成立綠潔水務美國分公司,使得公司的新技術研發、市場營銷實力有了飛躍式的提升。綠潔水務公司經過國家擇優評審,作為項目申報單位承擔了國家 “水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項”中的子課題 ——“顆粒物計數儀研發與應用”的研發工作。隨著市場的發展,2009年綠潔水務與浙江大學合作研發免化學試劑在線水質檢測系統,并承擔水專項“水質安全評價及預警關鍵技術研發與應用示范”課題中水質分析儀器的科研任務。
Company Profile
Hangzhou Grean Water S&T Co.,Ltd was established in 2008 and has been a leading industrial organization in R & D, manufacturing and marketing of water quality testing and monitoring instruments. In 2008 the company acquired the U.S. IBR Particle Counting instrument product line, including the intellectual property rights, brands, global sales and service channels of IBR series. Hangzhou Grean also produce and market on-line multi-parameter monitoring systems, bio-monitoring systems and real-time algae monitoring systems. Such systems are used to provide drinking water testing, water treatment process monitoring and early warning system network of urban water supply systems, including other security solutions and integration services.
With the development of the market, Grean cooperated with Zhejiang University in the research of Online Reagent-free water quality monitoring system and one of the research tasks of " Safety Assessment of Water Quality and R & D of Prevention Technologies “in 2009.
In 2010, Grean developed Online Compositive Toxicity Monitor independently.
This is the first Toxicity Monitor based on the method of luminescent bacteria in China. It has passed the identification of new products in Zhejiang Province. Grean has applied for 4 software copyright and 14 patents, 9 of which are invention patents, 4 utility model patents,1 design patent.
Business strategy:
Create innovative Integration platform of multiple resource;
International perspective, a high starting point start;
Sustainable development model of combining production and research.