Embark on an expedition to one of China's purest lakes at the Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort. Our ideal location will connect you to a land of lush mountains, crystal clear waters, and exotic caves. From the moment you arrive, you will be treated to gracious Chinese hospitality, thoughtful amenities, and an abundance of activities sure to ensure your stay is an unforgettable one.
Find all the comforts of home in our 250 guest rooms and suites, each equipped with the plush Sheraton Sweet Sleeper? Bed. Luxuriate in the spacious rainforest shower, and take in the views from your oversized private balcony. Soak up the beautiful scenery and breathe in the forest-fresh air while paddling in our scenic outdoor swimming pools, set amidst beautiful landscaped gardens. Pamper yourself with a visit to our Shine Spa, or recharge with a workout in our fully-equipped fitness center. Indulge in a culinary journey at our restaurants: Fishing, Yue, and Feast—where delicious and diverse menus offer everything from local organic fish to exquisite international delicacies.
We're also the ideal venue for unforgettable conferences, events or weddings. With 10 function rooms encompassing 1,694 square meters and a skilled team of event professionals, we can help you plan the perfect event for 10 or 1,200 guests.
We are looking forward to making you feel comfortable and connected at the Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort.
來到酒店 250間客房及套房中盡享居家般的舒適與便利。每間客房均配有柔軟舒適的喜來登甜夢之床(Sheraton Sweet Sleeper?)以及寬敞的熱帶雨林淋浴間,您可在超大的私人陽臺上將周邊美景盡收眼底。在風景優美的花園中呼吸來自森林的新鮮空氣,一邊欣賞碧波綠水的湖景,一邊在室外泳池感受難以言喻的輕松愜意。還可到我們設施齊全的健身中心煥發活力,或在喜來登炫逸水療中心放松身心。誠邀您前來我們的漁味軒、采悅軒和盛宴三家餐廳,盡情體驗大快朵頤的美食之旅——從千島湖有機鮮魚到精選國際佳肴,豐富多樣的美味選擇定會讓您唇齒留香。
我們擁有 10 間多功能廳,面積共達 1694 平米,可輕松容納 10 至 1200 名來賓,是舉辦精彩難忘的會議、活動或婚禮的理想場所。我們訓練有素的專業團隊將盡心盡力確保您的所有活動取得圓滿成功。
Tel電話: 0571-64888888 Fax傳真:0571-65082192 葛小姐