Ascentn (Company) has developed the first comprehensive BPM solution for the Microsoft platform. Ascentn’s deep enterprise experience and its utilization of the latest Microsoft technology enable it to provide the first secure, reliable, scalable, and affordable BPMS solution on the market. Ascentn’s solution is designed to enable business users to quickly implement and deploy cross-functional and cross-organizational business processes in the form of process-based applications, all while in an easy-to-use process-modeling environment running on their desktops using reusable business activity modules and executable functional parts built by IT. The result is the first Microsoft based BPMS to rival its J2EE counterparts in functionality, scalability, and extensibility while surpassing in usability and manageability, all at up to five times cheaper than its J2EE counterparts.
Ascentn是微軟**的金牌合作伙伴,并且是**少數由美國總部直接管理的軟件開發商之一。AgilePoint產品是一個架構在微軟 Dot.NET平臺上的大型企業級應用軟件,具備其它競爭產品所缺乏的框架,并完全整合在全系統的微軟產品 (Visual Studio、Office、SharePoint)之中。