co-founded by dan dong shuguang co. ltd., hangzhou manhattan venture capital firm and oversea chinese pharmaceutical professionals, sg pharma is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on developing technology-based niche products that offer enhanced clinical value and address unmet medical needs utilizing our extensive expertise and experiences in oral drug delivery technology, intellectual property and product development. we are actively exploring the strategic partnership and alliance with complementary players in china and us with potential product opportunities and providing quality and cost-effective research and development services to benefit partners and strengthen our business..杭州曙光藥業有限公司是由丹東曙光實業集團有限公司、杭州曼哈頓創業投資管理中心等多家單位共同組建的中外合資企業。作為一家以新藥和制劑技術研發為主的醫藥企業,我們擁有多項自主知識產權的核心技術和一支精通技術、管理和資本運作的團隊。現因公司發展需要,誠邀業界精英加盟,我們將為您提供廣闊的個人發展空間,為實現中國新藥研發制藥公司的目標共同奮斗!