泰格動力是2001 年由國際資本投資在香港及大陸注冊的工業自動化產品和解決方案的供應商,產品涉及許多工業領域,它以產品、技術、服務全面結合的銷售模式,為客戶提供的動力、控制和信息技術的解決方案。
Hang Zhou Tiger Power Automation Limited Company
Tiger Power is the supplier of the manufacture automation products and its solution, which was registered by international capital investor in Hong Kong and Chinese mainland. Our products have involved in many manufacture fields. We can offer all the customers the first-class solutions of power, controlling and information techniques by our special sales model combining products, technique and service together.
At the same time, Tiger Power has devoted into the new green resource——wind power field. Cooperating with an Italian 's company——Answer Drives and German Vectron, we can supply wind power's control and its converter system with large power more than 1 MW. Moreover, our system has been used successfully in the wind power by many factories and manufacturing companies both international and national.
We are glad to support and cooperate with our customers for developing new system and products. In addition, to contribute in the field of Chinese automation , we would like to popularize the new technique in the industry.