萬峰裝飾企業是一家具備國家設計與施工資質;專業從事裝飾工程;以家裝為主、涉及工裝、(家庭住宅、店面裝修、賣場、專賣店)等設計、施工的裝飾公司。以良好的信譽,的服務、優質的質量、精湛的工藝、受到了廣大客戶的好評,同時公司曾多次榮獲“中國315質量誠信零投訴企業” 、 “中國質量誠信綠色環保裝飾企業” 、“浙江省質量信譽AAA級單位”。公司以此在裝飾行業取得了較高的地位與名望。為了更好提高我們的質量和服務,隨著公司的發展和市場的需求,我司從2008年開始,公司的規模已發展到超市一體化服務,精心為您提供一站式、一體化、的服務理念,驚喜的價格,精湛的工藝、熱情的服務,為您的家庭和企業提供專業化服務。
近幾年來,公司推出的“39800精裝搬回家”精裝套餐裝修模式已深入人心,并得到了廣大消費者的認可;真正的讓裝修、咨詢、設計、選材、施工、售后服務等環節一步到位,我司耗巨資自主研發了中國極具的TCS顧客服務系統、 “兩千平米展廳、萬種材料選購”裝修每平米僅需投入398元即可獲得:全套的完整家居產品;給消費者以極大的便利、擺脫了以往家裝中的繁瑣和勞累;成為一種輕松的休閑活動、成為真正的快樂裝修!!!
萬峰裝飾在未來的日子里,將開拓更廣闊的視野,堅持以“誠信為基礎、視質量為生命”的原則。為中國的裝飾行業作出更大的貢獻。將邁向國際裝飾市場,引導中國市場裝飾的變革和潮流。 萬峰裝飾在企業發展過程中積累了豐富的設計、施工經驗,建立了從方案、設計與審核、工程施工與管理、質量檢查與驗收到后期保修等一整套細致完善的質量服務管理體系。 施工質量是企業生存的根本,專業化、標準化、規范化是裝修行業發展的目標,公司秉承以“客戶滿意”為中心,通過質量、服務建立顧客系統,長期以來,萬峰裝飾秉承“設計是靈魂,質量是生命”的原則,以“誠實、務實、用心、信譽”為經營理念,以的口碑求市場,以嚴格的質量求發展,正是 秉承這一宗旨,萬峰裝飾的全體員工、為愛家戀家的人們打造出一片屬于自己的天空。 “與時俱進,開拓創新”,是萬峰人奮斗的目標;是打造的裝飾企業,回報消費者的真誠厚愛。萬峰人將在杭州建“國際化大都市,創歷史文化名城”的城建藍圖上,留下值得稱道的筆墨,為杭城的千家萬戶“裝飾一個美好的家”而不懈努力。 公司一貫實行材料認真選擇,施工從嚴管理,工藝從細處理,驗收層層把關,報價誠信透明,方案無暇,徹底解除客戶的憂心和煩惱。
Wanfeng decoration enterprise is one with the design and construction of national qualification, Professional decoration engineering, Mainly involved in home outfit, tooling, (family housing, storefront fitment, stores, shops) design, construction decoration company. With good reputation and perfect service, high quality and exquisite craft, received the general customers the high praise, at the same time the company have been awarded the "China 315 quality credit zero complaint enterprise", "China quality credit green decoration enterprise", "zhejiang quality prestige AAA unit". Companies in the decoration profession to achieve high position and fame. In order to improve the quality of our products and service, with the development of the company and the demand of the market, we start from 2008, the company has developed into supermarket integrated service for you, to provide one-stop integrated service, and the price, surprise, exquisite craft, enthusiastic service, for your family and enterprise to provide professional services.
In recent years, the company launched "39800 hardcover moved back home decorate pattern has hardcover package", and the vast majority of consumer recognition, True to decorate, consulting, design, material, construction, the post-sale service, business, our independent research and development spending huge sums of money on the Chinese leading TCS customer service system, "2,000 square meter, choose" exhibition million per square decoration materials only put 398 yuan can obtain: full set of complete household products, With great convenience to consumers, and get rid of the past; the red outfit and overworked As a kind of relaxed leisure activities, become true happiness decorate!!!
Wanfeng decoration in the coming days, will develop a broader vision, adhere to the "integrity as the foundation, depending on the quality of life" principle. The decoration profession in China make greater contribution. Will lead to the international market in China market, decorate adornment changes and trends. Wanfeng decoration in the process of enterprise development has accumulated rich experience in the design, construction, and audit scheme, design, construction and management, quality inspection and acceptance to guarantee the quality of its complete service management system. Construction quality is enterprise's survival and specialization, standardization is decorating industry development goals, adhering to the "customer satisfaction" as the center, through the quality, establish customer service system, long-term since, wanfeng decoration adhering to the "design is the soul, and quality is life", the principle of "honesty, pragmatic, diligently, reputation" is the management idea, with excellent reputation for market, with strict quality strives for the development, adhering to the tenet of staff, wanfeng decoration for the people long for family home, build piece of the sky belongs. "Keep pace with The Times, innovation", with the goal of wanfeng Is first-rate decoration enterprise, the sincere affection returns consumer. In hangzhou wanfeng people will build "metropolis, historical and cultural city" on the left, the urban blueprint for the painting is worth commend thousands of hangzhou, a beautiful home decoration and unremitting efforts. Company always execute material, strict management, choose carefully construction technology, having treatment, acceptance cengcengbaguan to offer credit transparent, perfect solution, thoroughly remove the client and troubles.