杭州萬仕興進出口有限公司是一家集外貿、外運、外經經營權為一體的綜合性進出口公司,主要從事自營和代理各類商品及技術的進出口業務,經營進料加工和“三來一補” 業務,開展對銷貿易和轉口貿易。
公司經過數十年的發展,已經與數百個國內外客商建立了長期穩定的合作關系。在未來的發展中,公司堅持”以信義交天下友,靠勤奮匯四海財”的經營理念,誠望與海內外各界朋友廣泛合作,共謀事業的發展。在與您的合作中,我們將始終不渝的堅持平等互利,友好合作,互通有無的原則,重合同,守信用。管理上制定了“以人為本、以質求存、不斷創新”的 方針和“提高質量、優質服務、拓展市場”的質量方針。遵守以“客戶至上,質量**”的經營宗旨!
Hangzhou Vans King Import & Export Co., Ltd. is one of the leading international trade enterprice form zhejiang china ,we have dealed in this line for more than 10 years which is founded in 1996, the mainly engaged in self-and agent all kinds of goods and technology import and export business, operating processing with imported materials and the "three up to a fill" business conduct counter trade and entrepot trade.
Business Scope: We provide precision castings、bicycle、electric bicycle necktie ,paper napkin and Tassel fringe .with an honest and trustworthy, quality service, with the United States, Germany, Europe, in close cooperation in regional markets, and achieved good economic results, the company the right to operate import and export on their own advantages, the success of a number of import and export business agent, in the supply between buyers and set up a mutually beneficial win-win bridge. we Completed after several decades of development, with hundreds of domestic and foreign merchants to establish a long-term, stable relations of cooperation. Development in the future, the company adhere to the "faith in the world to pay Friends of hard work by the Finance Department of the Four Seas," management has formulated humanist, to survive, continuous innovation" and the policy of "improve quality, the high-quality service, develop the market" the quality policy. Comply with "customer first, quality first" business purpose!