杭州藝高紡織有限公司座落在山清水秀的絲綢之都杭州市余杭區喬司鎮三角村,地理位置優越,交通十分便利,LOFT風格現代化辦公場所。公司生機勃勃,發展迅猛,主營外貿出口,生產,設計;公司生產的裝飾性靠墊,窗簾物美價優,暢銷國外各大超市,商場(Bed Bath & Beyong, Marshall, Kohl's, Ross, Steinmart, Jcpenny and etc) .
We are manufacturer and exporter of home textile, located in Hangzhou city, most of our products are selling in USA stores, such as B.B.B., TJ’s, Kohl’s, Ross, Steinmart, Jcpenny and etc. We are strong at developing new product and offer comprehensive service to customers to keep the sales growing.
We have a good team and is establishing one more team, this is a team to learn, to communicate well, to work hard, to develop, are you ready to one of us?