深圳英索威視科技有限公司是專業從事數字標牌廣告機(Digital Signage)兒童智能手表、可穿戴智能產品的研發、生產的新型創業型科技公司。一群滿腔激情和熱血的80、90后工程師及設計團隊秉承著INSOVISION的信念:為顧客提供創新、便利及更具有美感的產品。我們一直專注于智能可穿戴設備,包括“液晶廣告機、兒童通訊產品、老人通訊產品、專業女性手環產品、專業運動型產品、智能家居”等頂級智能穿戴產品的研發與推廣。我們堅持INSOVISION的服務宗旨:在此為您呈現更多精彩!!!不管在哪里,只要客戶有需要,我們都會在這里為您提供好的服務
Shenzhen Insovision Technology Co., Ltd. is specialized in digital signage advertising machine (Digital Signage) children's intelligence watch, wearable smart product research and development, and production of new start-up technology companies. After a group filled with passion and blood 80,90 engineers and design team adhering INSOVISION belief: to provide customers with innovative, convenient and more aesthetically pleasing product. We have been focused on smart wearable devices, including "Children of communications products, communications products for the elderly, professional female bracelet product, professional sports products" and other top smart wearable product development and promotion.
We adhere to the purpose of serving INSOVISION:
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No matter where, as long as customers need, we'll be here to provide you with the best service