北京京磁強磁材料有限公司 北京京磁公司BJMT magnet CO.,成立于1987年,主要從事燒結釹鐵硼永磁材料的研發、制造和營銷,產品廣泛應用于汽車制造、醫療設備、電動電聲、計算機等領域,產品可以合法銷往北美及歐洲地區。我司已通過TS16949認證,并通過VALEO法雷奧供應商體系認證。北京京磁的經營宗旨是:以客戶為導向,致力于滿足客戶需求;以、穩定、團結的核心管理隊伍致力于環保的燒結NDFEB磁鐵研發及制造,以提升有限能源的利用率,為人類提供舒適、安全的高質量生活。以“利用一切合理資源 達成顧客愿景”為經營方針。北京京磁已擁有國際主流客戶數十家,穩定提供“一致性”產品,并以交期優勢、服務優勢贏得客戶很高的評價。 Our magnets mainly applied in MRI, automotive, Motor, computer peripherals, cellular phone and HiFi audio system including various kinds of loudspeakers. We supplies its products to customers across Asia, Europe and North America with the support of its own local distributors in Germany and the United States. We offers its customers high quality rare earth magnets in a wide range of different shapes, sizes and grades. The whole production from the raw material mining till the packing and shipping of the finished magnets is done by BJMT itself. We obtained TS16949 Certificate in 2006. Now We follows its Quality Management System strictly in her daily operation.