GHD is an international network of professional and technical consultants.
Established in 1928, GHD employs more than 6000 people across five continents and serves clients in the global markets of water, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation.
Wholly-owned by its staff, GHD is focused exclusively on client success. Our network of forward-thinking engineers, architects, planners, scientists, project managers and economists collaborate to solve client and community challenges. They embrace the core values of Teamwork, Respect and Integrity to create enduring relationships that deliver exceptional results.
With a history of adapting to the ever-changing needs of its clients, GHD is recognised for its commitment to innovation, safety and sustainable development. We care for the wellbeing of our people, communities and the environments in which we operate.
Today, GHD is ranked as one of the world’s leading engineering, architecture and consultancy firms.
A member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, GHD operates under a Practice Quality Management System that is certified by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance to international standard ISO 9001:2008 and our Environmental Management System is certified to international standard ISO 14001 by NATA Certification Services International.
作為世界可持續發展工商理事會的一名成員之一,在質量管理體系方面,GHD遵行由Lloyds注冊質量保證協會認證的ISO9001:2008國際標準;在環境管理體系方面,GHD遵行由NATA國際服務協會認證的 ISO 14001國際標準。
For more information, visit ghd
如需更多信息,請瀏覽 ghd