嘉尼斯服飾有限公司現擁有廠房3000平方米,職工 400多人,機械設備300多臺,年產量500多萬件,產品主要出口美國,加拿大等國家和地區,是HBI,Walmart,Target,Meijer,costco等知名品牌的長期合作伙伴,主要品種為T-恤,運動休閑,寶寶衣等針織系列。多年來企業培養了一大批業務骨干和專業技術人員,集采購,加工,生產,銷售于一體,自動形成一條完整的產業鏈。企業管理嚴格,內部設置崗位責任制和規章制度,下設業務部,技術部,生產部,品質部等,分工管理明確,互相協作。生產采取流水線程序,檢驗嚴格,獎懲分明,實行考評,獎罰制度,保證交期,保證質量,多年來同客戶合作愉快,定單量不斷增加,企業不斷發展進步.嘉尼斯人真誠歡迎各位同仁參觀指導,洽談協作,共同發展。
Dongguan Jianisi garment Co., Ltd., located in DongGuan ,China, ,is a professional knitted clothing manufacture, specializing in the design, printing & embroidering, producing and exporting variety of Newborn&Infant sets ,kids clothes and jersey garments, etc. Our cooperative customers including HBI, Knights Apparel, GIORDANO, etc. as well as many abroad garments chain stores such as Walmart, Target, Meijer, Costco..
With advanced manufacturing technique, innovative & creative teamwork and a perfect scientific management system, JiaNiSi company has formed an efficient operation mode by providing competitive price , high quality, sufficient supply and timely delivery to our customers
After several years of development, JiaNiSi factory has over 400 workers including 2 printing workshops and 1 embroidery and 1 sewing workshop and the production capacity reach to 4.5-5.5 million pieces per year and also most of our products have been exported to overseas, such as the USA, the UK and Canada etc. Insisting on the motto of “ sincerity first and service highest “ our factory has scored great achievements in making and processing baby garments and also won good reputation among clients.
Welcome cooperation!