東莞市錦晨無紡布有限公司成立于2013年5月,是一家集研發,生產,銷售為一體的綜合性大型無紡布生產企業。公司擁有五條先進生產線,完善的產品檢測設備和質量保障體系于2013年通過ISO9000國際質量管理體系認證。可生產9克-300克寬幅在3.5M以內的各種顏色的PP紡粘無紡布,月產能在1000T以上。本產品適用范圍廣泛,以國內銷售60%和國際銷售40%市場覆蓋**。其旗下子公司東莞市錦天環保科技有限公司成立于2016年,是一家創新研發,生產,銷售為一體以輔助錦晨客戶增加產品附加值,降低客戶的采購成本,便利于客戶一站式采購的綜合性大型無紡布制品生產企業,主營:1,無紡布環保購物袋,電子防護袋,環保服裝袋,酒水包裝袋,農業水果袋,超大香蕉袋,堆肥袋等一切無紡布袋(目前有3臺先進制袋機)2,印刷,可印刷4色寬幅在1.7M以內的各種無紡布印刷(目前有3臺印刷機)這塊客戶以無紡布衣櫥,無紡布收納印刷花紋,家私無紡布包裝印刷公司LOGO,3,駁接超寬幅,加強邊,裁片,斷點,分小卷,親水(機器多臺)這塊的主要市場以錦晨的外銷市場為主,國內以無紡布的同行為主。 總公司秉承以質量求生存,以信譽求發展,以市場為導向的經營理念,以的產品質量,優惠的產品價格和令人滿意的銷售服務取信于客戶,
Company profile
Established in May 2013, Dongguan Jinchen Nonwoven Co., Ltd is a comprehensive large-scale enterprise specialized in research, production and sales of PP spunbond nonwoven fabric. Our company has three new advanced production lines, professional test equipment and perfect quality insurance systems. We can produce PP nonwoven fabric with all kinds of colors weighting from 9gsm to 300gsm within 3.2 meters.
Products are widely used in agriculture, health care, shopping bags, industrial, construction, household supplies, disposable supplies and many other areas. Our market covers China mainland and has set up a development to Japan, the United States, Europe, India, southeast Asia and many other places.
Our company persists in the operation philosophy “ strive for survival on the basis of quality, a reputation for development , market-oriented ” and enjoy the trust of customers by first-class product quality, preferential price and satisfactory sales service. We sincerely look forward to cooperating with you!