金金牛光電科技有限公司是一家集LED封裝,LED應用產品的研發、生產、銷售、景觀工程設計為一體的 高新技術企業,公司以雄厚的技術力量、先進的生產設備,嚴謹的品質管理,屹立于中國LED燈飾照明行業。
我們本著以人為本,質量與技術先行的經營管理理念,已通過了ISO9001:2008質量保證體系論證,從材料采購 入庫、工藝流程設計.產品生產制造、到產品質量檢驗,每個步驟和工序都有嚴格的品質監控,以確保產品質 量精益求精。本公司專業生產LED隧道燈-LED工礦燈-LED路燈-LED投光燈-LED日光燈-LED戶外用燈-LED燈帶訂做等各種戶外用燈。力求在各個品種上都做出的產品, JinJinNiu Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is a set of LED packaging, LED application products research and development, production,
sale, landscape engineering design as one of the high-tech enterprises, companies with strong technical force, advanced production equipment,
strict quality management, standing in China LED lighting lighting industry. We are guided by people-oriented, quality and technology-first
management philosophy, has passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality assurance system demonstration, from material purchase warehouse, process design,
product manufacturing, to product quality inspection, each of the steps and processes have strict quality controlto ensure product quality
excellence. With the enthusiasm of the LED industry in order to advance the R & D capabilities and skilled application of production skills,
and constantly develop ahead of the LED lighting application products; firm's confidence in us to work together with you, your satisfaction
is our eternal pursuit