總部在美國加利福尼亞州的Pasadena。作為擁有58,000名員工的集團,我們通過遍布**的子公司和機構,向客戶提供涵蓋廣泛專業領域和范圍的服務。我們的服務包括項目管理、咨詢、工程、建筑、采購、成本管理、計量、施工管理、運營與維護,環境與安全鑒定等。公司主要優勢之一是協調與組織**的技術力量及資源成功地實施大型項目。所有工程都符合(英國、歐洲、國際)BS EN ISO 9001:2000質量管理體系認證,同時我們有業界的目標為零事故的健康與安全流程方法。
2010年,嘉科并購了另一大工程咨詢公司 - 阿克工程公司后,公司進入高速發展階段。 在此招募更多的人才加入本公司。
Jacobs is one of the world's leading consultancies and provides consulting, design and management services for projects in the fields of transportation, water, energy, the environment, finance and commerce, civil engineering, buildings and defence from its offices throughout the world.
Our headquarter is in Pasadena, California, USA. We are part of a 58,000 strong international company providing a full spectrum of professional and field services by offices world-wide. Our services include programme and project management, consulting, engineering, architecture, procurement, cost engineering, quantity surveying, construction management, operations and maintenance, environmental and safety expertise. One of the company’s key strengths is its ability to co ordinate and mobilise global skills and resources to successfully implement large projects. All work is subject to a quality management system certified to BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and we have industry-leading Health and Safety procedures with a goal of zero accidents.
Our expertise is available to our clients in information systems, quality management, human resource management and health and safety, as well as access to a wide range of specialist consultants and expert witnesses.
We provide planning and design services across the entire life cycle of construction projects for the built environment.
After the acquisition of Aker Solution in 2010, we are seeking for more talents to join us.