目前,公司業務集中在電子元配件經銷并且已經和其他國家同行建立了比較穩固的合作關系。我們的客戶遍布**各地;主要集中在美國、阿根廷、歐洲、阿聯酋、馬來西亞、澳大利亞、印度等國家和地區。經營的品牌包括世界知名廠家。如,MAXIM、ST MICRO、AGILENT、PHILIPS、TI、KEMET、MURATA、MOTOROLA、AUO、TOPPOLY、SHARP、TOSHIBA、NEC等。產品有集成電路、二三極管、電容電阻、模塊、IC插槽、繼電器、連接器、電位器、電感、晶振、高頻管、電池、閃存、攝像頭、液晶顯示屏、印刷電路版、SMT等。元器件的應用范圍覆蓋了商業、工業、三大領域。公司還致力于消費品電子成品的研制與開發。我們在電子元配件行業的目標是把自己打造成世界級的綜合供應商!
Kinglead International Trading Limited is a famous company in China dedicated to global trading. With the purpose of " Promoting exchange of merchandise worldwide, expediting globalization, and providing solutions for different requirements", Kinglead does not confine its business scope in a field specifically, we hope to set up business relations with all walks of life globally on the basis of equality, mutual benefit.
At present, we are specializing in distribution of electronic components,with customers located around the world. All electronics products mainly are from world-famous manufacturers, such as Maxim, ST Micro, Agilent, Murata, Philips and Motorola etc.. Application scope involves such civil, industrial and military areas as telecommunication, watercraft, aviation etc.. In addition to integrated circuits, Kinglead also dedicates to the development and distribution of diode and transistor, making its efforts to be a comprehensive world-class supplier.