家樂福國際零售集團,1963年成立于法國巴黎,在世界500強排名前列,同時是世界第二大的零售企業(yè),在28個國家設有9000多家分店。自1995年進入中國大陸后,已在20個城市開設36家分店,其中深圳2家,廣州、東莞、珠海、長沙各1家。 Carrefour International Group, which tops the Fortune 500 companies, started business from Paris in 1963. We opened more than 9,000 stores in 28 different countries and became the 2nd biggest retails company all over the wold. In China we have developed 36 hypermarkets in 20 different cities since 1995, including 2 in Shenzhen, 1 in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai and Changsha.