我們的產品主要出口歐美,大部分款式都是由客戶提供,貼近潮流。例如oasis/ river island/ lynn adler 都是我們合作的品牌客戶,歡迎前來聯系選購或來樣訂購。除此之外,我們也有自主品牌“concept”,歡迎實體或網絡分銷商的參與。
郵箱: bestwear@163.com
阿里巴巴: http://jmhongmei.cn.alibaba.com
淘寶: http://econcept.taobao.com
we are the professional leather garment manufactory of men, ladies and kids for more than 20years. most of the products are selling to uk, usa, italy, france etc. oasis / river island and lynn adler are the brands we are working on. basely, the moq we can accept is 100pcs per style. of course, it is rely on how the cooperation we would like to set up. we are always flexible and hope to establish the long term relationship with you!
welcome to visit our website:
chinese website for whole sell: http://jmhongmei.cn.alibaba.com
chinese website for retail: http://econcept.taobao.com
english website for retail and whole sell: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/527292