ZHONG DOU food company Ltd. is located at Changbai Mt. along with Song Hua River, and it is in Jiao He city, Ji Lin province, featured as "city of autumn leaves". ZHONG DOU takes fully green nature advantage of Changbai Mt., developing the national enterprises with high quality plant-produced protein made by advanced technology. Holding the revitalization of China's traditional soybean as the honored responsibility, with the combination of green nature and super technology, to produce various soy milk, such as pure, green, red, and black, etcs., furthermore, providing the general public with the most nutritious and delicious food. Soybean, as the main ingredient of the soy milk, is passing the National Organic Certification, which is also a nontransgenic nature organic soybean. The Organic soybean contains over 40 per cent quality protein, that twice of lean meat, triple of egg, twelve times of regular milk. ZHONG DOU soy milk is an emerging industry in the new era, hoping the join of interested partners together to build the prosperous future!