江蘇百生安全防護裝備有限公司專業從事技術研發、產品制造及銷售安全頭盔、防護手套、安全服裝、安全鞋為主的個人職業防護類系列產品,產品遠銷歐洲、美國、澳大利亞、非洲和亞洲等國家和地區。.jiangsu bicen safety equipment co., ltd is a professional company that dedicates itself to research, development, manufacture, sales and services of personal protective equipment (ppe). this encompasses industrial safety helmets, safety gloves, safety garments and safety shoes,many of which are now exported by bicen to europe, us, australia, africa, asia and other regions of the world..公司總資產達人民幣1.6億元,年銷售額超過3億元。總占地面積約300000平方米,廠房、倉庫及辦公面積達120000平方米;擁有3800多名員工:專業的技術研發人員、熟練的操作工人、訓練有素的銷售團隊、先進的物流系統以及的服務體系;.bicen has a multi-million dollar turnover along with a total 300,000 square meters of workshops, warehouse and office space, a total of 3,800 staff presently work in bicen. covering such important areas as specialised technical research & development, very experienced operating workers, and well-trained sales teams, plus superior logistic center allocation and satisfied customer-oriented service system..2002年,公司通過了iso9001:2000質量管理體系的認證和iso14000環境管理體系,并依照iso18000標準進行人性化組織管理和生產運行。2003年,公司成立了產品檢測中心,同satra、dvcps、bttg、tuv等國際專業認證機構聯手,潛心研究產品的國際性職業安全認證標準,并根據歐洲en、美國astm、ansi、nfpa等標準對產品質量進行嚴格控制。.in the year 2002, bicen achieved iso 9001:2000 and iso14000; and the company is operating and fully conforming to iso18000. 2003. the product testing center (ptc) was originally setup to aid our sales team to improve customer services. thereafter, ptc closely works with worldwide qualified testing laboratories and organizations i.e. satra, bvcps, bttg, tuv; ptc this enables our people to continuously study international occupation safety and health standards; our factories are constantly assisted by ptc to strictly control the quality of the ppe made in bicen follows european standards, us astm, ansi, and nfpa etc..憑借公司十幾年來在此領域所積累的豐富經驗,并致力于促進中國職業安全健康事業的發展,公司成立了國內市場發展部,以“百生”品牌積極參與國內各領域如煤礦、油田、消防等行業職業安全防護標準的制定并提供解決方案,并引導國內職業安全防護行業的標準化的提升。.on the basis of our abundant experience in the personal protective equipment industry during the past ten years bicen commits itself to china’s occupation safety and health (cosh) development; the company domestic market dept. (dmd) together with the brand “bicen” we have strived and helped to extend the china domestic market, by actively being involved in helping introduce country standards in coal, oil field industries and areas of fire fighting, and constantly advance the standards of cosh..誠信立足,創新致遠。憑著專業的技術團隊,的產品品質,豐富的生產經驗,先進的管理體系,優質的配套服務,誠信的合作態度,我們力爭成為**的職業安全防護用品開發商和制造商.loyalty helps the accomplishment while innovation leads the further. relying on bicen’s professional teamwork, excellent quality character, mature production experience, advanced management system, reliable customer service, with a faithfully positive and cooperative attitude, bicen is aiming to be a leading enterprise in the field of occupation safety equipment development and manufacturer throughout the world.