江蘇普羅賽生物技術有限公司,位于常州科教城開發園區,是一家由一批在生物技術領域多年成功經驗的企業家和在海外生物醫學界多年工作經驗的資深技術共同投資成立的,集研發、生產和銷售于一體的高科技生物技術公司。公司致力于開發獨特的擁有自主知識產權的生物蛋白、細胞融合工程和技術,生產具有巨大科研和**應用價值的蛋白質,酶和抗體。公司一期投資3千萬元用于建立一支有創新精神、充滿活力和成功欲望的研發團隊與具有國際先進水平的高質量研究技術平臺,并利用自身的資源優勢,在未來幾年內將研究開發出幾種有重要意義的蛋白分子制劑, 用于滿足不斷發展的**診斷和治療應用的市場需求,終成為一家具有國際競爭力,擁有獨特工程技術的生物藥物公司。我們承諾為員工提供理想的工作環境,并通過實施有競爭力的薪金及獎勵制度來激勵和壯大研發團隊。我們的理念是“專注引領創新,開拓贏得成功”。
Abzyme Biotechnology located at the Science & Education Park, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, is founded by experienced entrepreneurs in biotechnology and experts with many years of biomedical R&D in global pharmaceutical companies. The company will research and develop unique and novel protein and cell recombination technologies, and subsequently use them to manufacture biologics including protein, enzyme and antibodies having broad applications in biomedical research and clinical diagnostics. The company is now investing 30million RMB to establish an innovative, dynamic and successful R&D team and a state of the art biotechnology facility to develop several biologics for the growing market needs in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Our mission is to be a competitive international company with novel technologies and unique intellectual properties. We are committed to creating an ideal working environment for our employees together with competitive compensation system to continually encourage and grow the R&D team. Our vision is “focus leads to innovation, exploration brings success”.