從成立之初就以高起點, 高品質來要求自己, 按照客戶的要求提供給專業、優良的服務和產品。
Jiaxing Ruilong Fashion& Accessories Co. Ltd is a comprehensive enterprise with over 20 years' experience, engaging in zipper research & development, production and sales. It's a joint-venture by taking all the advantages from Pinghu Wuxing zipper factory, Wuxing dyeing factory and several other enterprises. We are always having strict demands for high start and high quality on ourselves since the company founded. And we are also offering our clients the most professional and excellent service and products according to company's requirements.
公司擁有國際的拉鏈生產設備及一批高素質的員工隊伍和不斷追求細節、追求的工作態度。公司自有品牌為RAINO,拉鏈產品全部采用高質量環保無毒的原材料生產,從客戶下單到設計 制造 質量檢測 貨物配送 和售后服務, 在每一個生產環節及供應步驟上都采用嚴格的質量控制體系。拉鏈強度及色牢度等全部可以通過ITS, SGS, CTL等國際專業測試中心測試,標準皆超過美國(ASTM D2061)標準;所有產品都可做到**偶氮、**重金屬,**鎳、含鉛量控制在90PPM以下。
We have the top grade zipper manufacture machinery in the world and a highly qualified team. Meanwhile we are always pursuing for the details and perfection continuously. Our own zipper brand is RAINO, all the products are made of non-toxic materials. We adopt the strict quality control system in every production circle and supply chain, from ordering to design, manufacture, quality control, goods distribution and after-sales service. Moreover, all the products have passed ITS, SGS and CTL testing center's tests on strength and color fastness etc. Our products exceed the highest standard of USA ASTM D2061. All the zippers can be made AZO free, nickel free and lead content under 90 PPM according to customers' requirements