涇縣生馬梳匠世家木梳廠, 專業生產銷售,木梳,木鏡,各類高中低檔禮品梳子.小額混批 廠家直銷。涇縣廠區 經營地安徽涇縣溪頭村后山組30號 。公司以誠實做人合作共贏的理念歡迎廣大朋友,可承接大量出口訂單。品質有保障,客服電話400-6998710
health ma (shanghai) co., ltd., specializing in production and sales, wooden combs, wooden mirror, gift comb all kinds of high middle and low. small mixed batch of factory outlets. baoshan plant operating in shanghai lujia, pudong south road, no. 587. the company's concept of win-win cooperation honest life friends are welcome, to undertake a large number of export orders. quality protection, customer service phone 400-6998710