中德合資杭州西美亞斯電氣有限公司是德國西美亞斯在中國的一家合資企業,是專業生產低壓電器產品,高速一體化智能球及led太能節能產品,集中開發、生產、銷售于一體的生產企業,公司以“用戶至上、信譽**”的企業理念,面向國內外市場,時代潮流。.sino-germany hangzhou simax electric co., ltd is a joint venture company of simax germany in china. it is a professional manufacturing enterprise to develop, produce and sell the low-voltage apparatus, integrated high speed dome and led compact fluorerecent lamps. with the belief of "put user first, reputation is the most important", the company targetes at both the domestic and international markets ahead the times.