Our company is new developing poly-talented enterprises incorporating designing and developing and manufacturing selling into an organic whole.
???? “it imbued with it create,with the sincere for originally “it is for our company respect work and spirit not open up,“quality first, “ it is a commitment of the consistent first credit of our company that consumers first. Our company will open up the new market constantly, develop the new products , welcome old and new customers to negotiate ordering wholeheartedly, establish long-term business , technology , economic cooperation.
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????》 天浩TIANHAO臥式及立式系列泵。?
? ??》 德國SIEMENS全系列電機及變頻恒壓控制系統。
????》 日本TLV蒸汽疏水閥,減壓閥,安全閥全系列。
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