公司名稱:昆山廣輝精密五金有限公司 昆山廣輝精密彈簧有限公司
Company name:Kunshan Guanghui Precision Metal.Co.,ltd
地址: 中國江蘇省昆山市千燈鎮石浦余項路1號
Address: Number 1Yuxiang Road Qiandeng Town Kunshan City Jiangsu Province
聯絡方式:TEL 86-512-57951088(代表號)
Contact: Tel 86-512-57951088
FAX 86-512-57951900
E-MAIL: gh@anli-metal
建立時間:2000年10月 Built Since Oct of 2000
投資總額:USD 150萬Registered capital 1500K
出資者: 安華(中國)有限公司 昆山廣輝精密五金有限公司
Built by AnHua (china) Co,ltd Kunshan Guanghui Precision Metal Co.,ltd
Turn to production date: Jan of 2001
目前從業人數:直接人員230人 技術人員56人 間接人員32人
Number of worker:Direct employee 230 Technical employee 56 Indirect employee 32
Profession On: Spring ,Spring plate and mould produce related products
Main Products: Spring ,spring plate , electrics inductance wire , lever pole ,torque spring and such precision metal
Main equimpent:Spring machine ,S machine ,torque spring , Round pan machine ,lever machine laser machine
Manufacturer equimpment : lathe , milling machine ,drill machine, Grind machine
Text machine : overhead projector, elastic force machine, pull and press machine, torque machine ,electric resistance, sclerometer, salt and foggy test machine
主要活動:ISO9001 (2008版) 認證
Certificate: ISO14001 (2004版) 認證
Main activity ISO9001 (2008版) 認證
ISO14001 (2004版) 認證
Quality Policy:High quality,Low cost ,supply in time
Operate Policy: quality efficiency, sevice customer , bring forth new ideasand improve all the time , continued operation
人力資源: 以蘇州、上海各大院校的專業人才為基礎
Manpower: talent from the college of suzhou and shanghai
原材料資源:日本 、韓國、進口材料及國產其他線材,原材料貨源充足
Material resource :Japan ,Corea,taiwan import material and other material made in our country ,make sure the resouce is enough
工廠概要:總面積5000平方米 建筑面積 4000平方米
Factory area: Total 5000 squre meters Built area 4000 squre meters
結構- 鋼筋混泥結構
Structure steel concrete;reinforced concrete