科文特亞在**四大洲四十多個國家范圍內,為表面處理行業開發并提供專門的化學藥品。科文特亞的客戶既有內部做表面處理加工的工廠,也有商業性質的電鍍廠,這些客戶采用我們創新的技術,周到的服務以及大量的 OEM 產品認可。
科文特亞的產品覆蓋了整個工藝流程,可以用于諸多領域。從汽車行業和石油工業,到電腦及時尚用品,可以說科文特亞的產品存在于我們每天的日常生活中。 科文特亞是一個負責任的供應商。作為環保的服務者,科文特亞研發的產品要做到“綠色”,同時針對我們的產品,科文特亞研發了完善的水處理工藝,從而使客戶可以滿足相同的環保要求。
為了保證產品品質,我們通過了 ISO9001:2008 的認證 。
我們期望與您共同攜手 “Beyond the surface”
COVENTYA develops and supplies specialty chemicals for surface finishing in over 40 countries and 4 continents. Our customers include both captive surface treatment and job shop platers that capitalize on our innovative technology, responsive service and numerous OEM product approvals.
With a full line of products that find use in many industries from automobiles and oil fields to computers and fashion it is clear that Coventya products touch our lives each and every day.
We are a responsible supplier. As a steward of the environment our products are designed to be "green" and we support them with a full Watercare product line that ensures our customers can meet the same commitment.
To underline the quality we stand for, we have been certified with certification ISO9001:2008
We hope you'll join us "Beyond the surface”