**精英團隊,期待**精英加盟! .leading electronics asia ltd. 立鼎電子亞洲有限公司隸屬于香港鴻迪集團,是集團下屬專注于為**500強電子企業提供優質的半導體(ic/存儲芯片/二三極管等)分銷供應服務的分公司。我們的業務包括但不僅限于電子元件緊急器件搜尋,降低電子元件成本長期供應方案、縮短電子元件交貨期,電子元件多余庫存寄賣等一系列供應鏈解決方案。. . 集團公司在韓國/香港/深圳/上海/蘇州/北京/天津/廈門/成都等地設有分支機構。. 由于業務的高速發展,我們誠邀的您加入leading**精英團隊!我們實行員工持股計劃,多種鼓勵員工買車/買房政策,提供在元件銷售領域富吸引力的業績提成獎金比例。銷售崗位如業績獎勵可達4萬元以上,采購崗位如業績獎勵可達3萬元以上。五天工作制,團隊目標獎金,年底業績分紅,社保,法定節假日,帶薪年假,外訓基金及免費健身、旅游等福利。公司秉承“員工是公司未來合伙人”及“按績取酬”的思想,致力于讓員工擁有同齡人中的工作生活品質。 .如您有良好的英文水平,豐富的**電子公司貿易經驗, 出色的商務口才又非常進取,希望通過良好的平臺創造您的高品質生活,就 請選擇 leading! (發中英文簡歷附個人近照至 hr@leading-ic ).如有半導體(ic/存儲芯片/二三極管等)分銷行業經驗或海外留學背景或精通一種外國語言的可優先考慮。 . 請真正符合條件的人才投遞簡歷,請不要重復投遞簡歷(只接受一個職位申請)。 .leading electronic asia limited is a professional and fast-growing independent distributor, supplying electronic components for the first class customers all over the world..we are focusing on the semiconductors, electronics components, specializing in ics, memory, chips, transistors, diodes and passives (capacitor, connector, resistors, and inductors etc.). our global services include sourcing, long term cost down forecast orders, consignment, jit delivery, and bom kitting. also we provide professional world class sourcing of urgent needs, shortages of electronic components. leading will try our best to make your supply chain more compact and efficient !.with the fast growing business, we invite you talented sales and buyers to join our passion team. all qualified applicants are highly welcomed!.we offer most attractive commission policy in the whole components distribution field, with competitive basic salary. we also provide annual leave, 5 days working, legal holidays, profit sharing at the end of the year, social insurance policies. .interested candidates are strongly recommended to email their detailed resumes to the following address or mail to us..leading electronic asia limited.hr@leading-ic