Founded in New Jersey in 1984, EMCORE Corporation offers a versatile portfolio of compound semiconductor-based components and subsystems for the rapidly expanding broadband and wireless communication markets and the solid-state lighting industry. The company leverages its leading-edge compound semiconductor materials and device expertise and provides cost-effective components and subsystems for the CATV, telecom, data and storage, satellite and wireless communications markets.
EMCORE is actively searching for self-motivated individuals who will help lead and establish the technical direction of Emcore in China.
Qualified engineers will be assisting in the design and delivery of Emcore products worldwide and will be supplying applications support for Emcore products in Asia.
In particular, Emcore's business in China will be focused on products developed by and for the Ortel division of Emcore, who has been a long standing leader in CATV
transmission systems, RF-over-Fiber systems, and linear semiconductor lasers for analog signal transmission.
This is an exciting new opportunity for all individuals interested in participating in the rapidly growing telecommunications market in China.
EMCORE - EMpowering Employees to create a culture, which makes EMCORE “the best place to work”, and where every employee is a high performing member of the EMCORE team, knows they can make a difference, and is rewarded and recognized for doing so. If you want to join a high performing team where you can make a difference than EMCORE is the place for you. EMCORE is now expanding into China and wants you on the team!
EMCORE公司于1984年在美國新澤西州注冊成立.經過20多年的發展,公司目前有雇員八百余人,設有四個事業部,分別位于美國新墨西哥州的Albuquerque市(總部所在地),洛杉磯,加州硅谷,芝加哥,賓州和新澤西州等地.公司下屬的四個事業部分別從事數據和模擬光纖通訊模塊和元器件,衛星通信系統,空間用**率太陽能電池,及民用地面太陽能電池系統.2006年全年銷售額超過一億六千萬美元. EMCORE公司在美國紐約NASDAQ掛牌上市(EMKR),公司的網頁地址為emcore.
廊坊安科光電有限公司是美國EMCORE公司在華設立的全資子公司. 主要從事生產母公司用于光纖通信和太陽能系統的高科技產品, 并采用先進技術進行新產品開發.同時作為一個區域運營中心,還負責管理和開發公司在中國和全亞洲的業務,對母公司及本地客戶提供技術支持.