擁有16年大型活動策劃與執(zhí)行經(jīng)驗的佳禾策劃,與沈陽市各級企業(yè),遼沈地區(qū)多家文化藝術(shù)團體等均擁有良好的互動合作關(guān)系。佳禾策劃定位為東北地區(qū)活動策劃與執(zhí)行公司,為客戶定制充滿創(chuàng)意與驚喜且充分考慮細節(jié)及人性化的活動是我們的優(yōu)勢,國際化學習型的活動制團隊讓佳禾策劃始終走在時代前沿,使每個項目充滿靈魂。 活動策劃方面,佳禾策劃在深入了解客戶需求及活動主旨的基礎上,為客戶量身度制各類招待酒會,答謝晚會,主題派對,企業(yè)年會,商業(yè)慶典大型活動。在活動制作方面,佳禾策劃擁有一批經(jīng)驗豐富的制作團隊,在演出策劃編導,舞臺裝飾設計,燈光音響搭建,會議餐飲搭配,主題場景設計,花布藝裝飾等為客戶切身考慮,量身度制,為客戶打造過目難忘、美輪美奐的大型活動。
With 16 years of success in the event planning industry, Jiahe Events has designed countless perfect events for both large and small corporate clientele. Jiahe Events has been in long-standing and favorable cooperation with local art ensembles and artists. As Shenyang’s premier events team, Jiahe Events has produced many tailored theme events for the clients who had unique requests.
Jiahe Events has provided many hits including gala nights, reception cocktails, theme parties, corporate annual parties and all kinds ceremonies. The dramatic lighting. The charming floral Design. The right music. Decorations. The unexpected. Most importantly, with our design and planning in every detail, you’ll enjoy your events as much as your guset do!
Let jiahe assist you with our knowledge and experience in bringing your dream to a flawless reality!