LOCITECH / 朗技的前身是于1997年成立的朗炬設計工作室。
2010年底成立了以原創設計、自主開發、銷售時尚消費類電子產品的LOCITECH / 朗技公司。經歷四年的發展,于2015年初在深圳建立了8000m2的小型研發&制造基地。
LOCITECH / 朗技產品以簡約、優雅和實用性著稱。LOCITECH / 朗技人秉承極致理念,從產品設計、研發到生產制造,嚴格遵循ISO9001國際質量管理體系標準,以對產品工藝&品質近乎偏執的態度控制每一環節,來滿足越來越多的和LOCITECH / 朗技人一樣對產品有信仰的精英人群。
Founded in 1997, LOCITECH began as a design studio.
LOCI was founded in 2010, and undertakes independent designs, Research & development and sales & market of consumer electronics. After 4 years’efforts and continuous development, LOCITECH established his own research & manufacture base which has 8000m2 in the early of 2015.
lLOCITECH brand is famous for his simple, Elegant and practicality.  Adhering to the philosophy and the attitude of perfect concept, LOCITECH people strictly follows ISO9001 - international quality management system standards; With cautious attitude, LOCITECH people control each step from products design, R & D to mass production, So as to satisfy more and more outstanding persons who are same as loci people with faith to products.