深圳市金博爾友利電子科技有限公司位于寶安固戍南昌**工業區,主要生產插卡音箱、藍牙音箱,我們擁有高新的技術和科學的管理體系,秉承著質量**,追求的原則,以顧客為向導,以質量為中心,生產出來的產品質量上乘,備受顧客的好評。我們的設計理念是創新、時尚,產品樣式豐富多彩,造型小巧、精致,各種各樣的風格可以滿足顧客多樣化的需求。友利電子科技的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可,歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。Kinngbor Limited Company located in Baoan,Shenzhen, the main productions is bluetooth speakers, TF card speaker, card readers, and other electronic products.
The conmany holds the managerial idea that ”Quality Proves Strength, Details Reach to Success”, and tries its best to do well at any aspect, so our products are high quality and customers really like it.
Our design concept is innovation and festion, and the products’ sculpt are rich and colorful, all kinds of shapes can satisfy customers’ different needs.
Our company is aim to creat a powerful brand which will wins most customer’s trust, and now ,we are toward to this goal.
If you need the product,please contact us anytime !