MINTH Group Ltd was listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 1 December 2005 (stock code: 0425).
The Group is a leading supplier of exterior automobile body parts in China. It is principally engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of trim, body structural parts and decorative parts for passenger cars in China, North America and Thailand. The Group also exports its products to global markets including Europe and Asia-pacific regions.
Since its founding, manufacturing facilities have been established in east, south, north, central and southwest China covering the major automakers in China. Globally, with the establishment of sales, program management and R&D network in the world’s major automobile markets such as Tokyo and Detroit, the Group has constantly expanded its exports to North America, Europe, Japan, Australia and Southeast Asia. Moreover, the Group has focused on business development in emerging markets. In January 2008, a joint venture company MINTH-AAPICO (Thailand) Co., Ltd was established in Thailand by MINTH and AAPICO Hitech Public Company, and MINTH Mexico was set up in Mexico in October 2009. With this, the Group has initiated its production network in the global emerging markets.
集團自成立以來,已在華東、華南、華北、華中及西南地區設立眾多生產基地,形成覆蓋全國重點汽車工業基地的制造與銷售服務網絡。同時,集團不斷推進產品在北美、歐洲、日本、澳洲及東南亞市場的銷售,在包括美國底特律和日本東京在內的世界主要汽車市場設立銷售、項目管理及研發網絡。此外,集團也積極拓展在**新興市場中的業務。二零零八年一月在泰國與AAPICO Hitech Public Company合資成立MINTH AAPICO (Thailand) CO., Limited;更于二零零九年十月份在墨西哥成立了MINTH Mexico,S.A. DE C.V,由此開啟敏實集團在**新興市場生產網絡的布局。