the east mine machinery factory is a collection of scientific research, production, sales in the professional integration of industry enterprise. the main products are magnetic separator, dry separation machine, filter, ball mill, grading machine, recycling machine, magnetic separator and other mineral processing equipment. my company all the year round and horse ore mines of scientific research institutions, in the developing continuously enhance their own scientific research. with the perfect quality control and detection means, excellent after sale service, so that enterprises in the peer in reputation, favored by the majority of users.the company is located in eurasia east east fort, superior geographical environment, plant north facing standard highway, adjacent to the east longhai and international air logistics center, traffic is very convenient.companies adhering to the "innovation, a win-win situation, honor" spirit of enterprise, the east china mining machinery and build" to create maximum value for customers and wealth, in order to create a harmonious society civilization" of the well-known enterprises.