洛陽新天鵝國際大酒店坐落在洛陽商業黃金地帶 - 西工區解放路與中洲中路交叉口,是由洛陽來鑫商貿有限公司投資興建,由香港新天鵝國際酒店管理有限公司管理的涉外四星級旅游飯店。酒店外觀吸納古羅馬之磅礴,內部取西歐建筑藝術之精華,另有2層環境優雅的花園別墅。酒店共172間豪華客房,內部設施豪華先進,配備齊全。旗下洛陽餐飲業聲譽卓著的海世界中餐廳和50間大師設計的KTV、會議廳、商場、桑拿中心、商務中心、國際國內直撥電話、寬帶網絡端口、衛星電視等服務項目,并提供多項商務秘書及訂票服務,是您理想的下榻之處。
Luoyang Cygnus International Hotel Introduction
Luoyang Cygnus International Hotel is situated at the heart of CBD of Xigong District – the junction of Zhongzhou Zhong Lu with Jiefang Lu; the most convenient area within Xigong District. Neighboring with the most popular shopping centers; the Wangfujing and Xinduhui. Because of its convenient location, it is easily accessible to all transportations.
The hotel is owned by Laixin Trading Enterprise; a reputable company in Luoyang City and being managed by Hong Kong Cygnus International Hotel Management Company. The building is built with an ancient Romania design outlook and with a modern European interior design concept. With its 2 levels of condominium apartments and 153 deluxe guest rooms with business orientated features; other facilities like our famous Ocean World Chinese Restaurant serving top class Cantonese and local cuisines; the one and only tropical Coffee shop serving original western cuisines; KTV; other amusement and health facilities shall be the most appropriate choice for all business travelers.
The hotel shall be using a modernized management system in order to provide a most professional training to our staffs so that the hotel can offer a real hospitality services to our guests. We believed that only the best will satisfy our guests’ needs and make them feel that our hotel is “a home away from home”.
Luoyang Cygnus International Hotel welcomes your patronage.