汕頭市澄海區沐希塑料五金廠成立于2010年,經銷批發AI早教智能機器人、早教機、故事機、DIY玩具、毛絨公仔、公仔、過家家玩具、玩具車等兒童玩具暢銷消費者市場,在消費者當中享有較高的地位,質量保證,價格優勢,公司與多家零售商和代理商建立了長期穩定的合作關系。我公司的辦公地址位于嶺東門戶、華南要沖、海濱鄒魯、美食之鄉汕頭,公司有著一支專業的營銷團隊,秉承著“質量**,服務至上”的經營理念為消費者服務,公司常年銷售爆款玩具,在追求價格優勢的前提要求質量至上,真誠與您合作共贏!期待您的加入與支持!Shantou Chenghai District plastic hardware factory Muxi was established in 2010 to distribute AI early education smart robots, early learning machines, story machines, DIY toys, plush dolls, dolls, playhouse toys, toy cars and other children's toys best-selling consumer markets., enjoy a higher position among consumers, Quality assurance, price advantage, the company and a number of retailers and agents have established a long-term stable cooperative relationship. The office address of our company is located in Shantou, Lingdong Gateway, South China, Zoulu, the hometown of food, the company has a professional marketing team, adhering to the "quality first, service first" business philosophy for consumers, The company sells explosive toys all year round. In the pursuit of price advantage of the premise of quality first, sincere cooperation with you win-win! Look forward to your joining and support!