EXENE Group is a high-tech industrial group, with 6 wholly owned and controlled subsidiaries, involved in energy saving &environmental protection industry, international trade, e-commerce venture capital, which has formatted diversified industry development pattern with the sanitary fitting &wears as foundation, and the energy saving &environmental protection industry as core industry. EXENE has created an unstoppable force for change on the Globe Green Revolution in the Eco-friendly and Energy industry. We always devote to offering the complete platform and channel for high-tech seeking venture capitalist with the extraordinary team of this industry. With the ambition to build the centuried vitality MNC, EXENE comprehend and executed through the operation philosophy” proper customer selection, quality control, pricing and project exploiture, professional service”; foundation of sanitary fitting &wears industry; and domestic market exploiting by B2C platform.
艾尚國際是一家以衛浴產業為基礎、環保節能產業為核心的高科技集團。自創立以來,始終以精專的技術、出色的管理、獨樹一幟的產品引領行業的發展潮流。目前艾尚國際旗下擁有全資及控股子公司6家,已在環保節能、衛浴研產、國際貿易、電子商務、科技創投等領域具有相當規模,現已形成多元化戰略經營布局。公司堅持“選客戶、高品質、低成本、好服務”的運營理念,抓好衛浴基礎產業,做強做大NPP環保科技產業,致力于成為** “綠色科技”變革力量的領跑者。
已自主擁有20余項發明專利。NPP表面鍍履技術(即“No-pollution Plating”)是我公司和日本大阪大學歷盡十年潛心研究的成果。該技術無污染、無“三廢”、低能耗,是表面工程技術領域的重大革新!