Fashion & Forward是斐遜·富得國際集團公司旗下的都市職業休閑箱包品牌。由現任集團總裁Mr. Francis于1988年在法國創立, Fashion & Forward以時尚的原創設計,精致的工藝,合理的價格,很快吸引了眾多都市青年的喜愛.正是這些忠實的消費者,讓Fashion & Forward得以快速的發展。
1995年Fashion & Forward開始進軍國際市場,首先邁入亞洲熱點市場日本東京。
2008年在香港成立中華區總部FASHION & FORWARD INTERNTIONAL GROUP CO.,LIMITED。統一對、香港、中國大陸進行運營管理。
Fashion & Forward is the brand name of Fashion & Forward International Group for leisure bags in city. It is founded in 1988, France, by current CEO Mr. Francis. With fashionable & original design, diaphanous craftworks, reasonable price, Fashion & Forward gains profound interests from many young workers, with who, the faithful consumers, the brand develops a lot.
In 1995, Fashion & Forward started to walk to worldwide, and firstly aim at Tokyo, Japan, the hotspot market of Asia.
In 2005, Fashion & Forward walked to Taipei.
In 2008, FASHION & FORWARD INTERNTIONAL GROUP CO., LIMITED was established in HK, which is the head office to administrate Taiwan, HK, & China mainland shops/branchs.
In 2009, Fashion & Forward (Ningbo) Trade Co., Ltd. was established, to promote this brand in China mainland officially.