who are we? 關于我們.nm is a scrap processing and marketing company. the company is majority owned by trafigura (one of the largest commodity trading companies in the world trafigura) and has an exclusive supply agreement with ecore (controlling 70 facilities in europe for scrap processing ecore). .寧波明輝是專業從事廢金屬加工和銷售的企業,由trafigura(**大貿易集團之一,網址:trafigura)控股,并與ecore(在歐洲擁有70多家廢料回收加工工廠的集團公司,網址:ecore)簽有專門供貨協議。.what are our products? 產品.nm is involved in the global sourcing of metallic scrap, importation, segregation, processing and final sales to end users in the area. nm has established relationships in china and has an excellent reputation for product reliability and competitive prices. the primary products we process are copper bearing materials, brass, aluminium, shredded scrap, and stainless steel. .公司對從國外進口的廢金屬進行加工分類后,銷售給該行業領域的終端用戶。我們已在國內建有良好的商務合作關系,并在產品穩定性及價格等方面享有良好的聲譽。主要產品有:紫銅、黃銅、鋁、破碎料和不銹鋼。.接受簡歷語言:中文或英文.the cv should be in chinese and english.