寧波率先減壓閥有限公司(IGT中國)是外商獨資企業,成立于2006年7月。位于浙江省余姚市。公司總部(Integrated Gas Technologies APS) 位于丹麥哥本哈根市。
公司主要生產IGT品牌液化石油汽(LPG)用減壓閥,所有的產品全部出口到歐洲,南非,智利以及澳洲,公司所生產的產品,取得相關國家的認證:歐洲的CE 認證(減壓閥-----EN12864,軟管-----EN559,BS3212,DVGW;南非的 SABS 認證(減壓-----SABS1237, 軟管----- BS3212);智利認證、澳洲認證(減壓閥和軟管-----AGA)同時公司還在繼續申請其他相關國家的認證。
公司主要有3大類減壓閥(Compact Type, Jumbo Type和POL Type) ,產品型號有幾百種,因為我們提供客戶個性化服務。
現在公司年生產能力為3,000,000 件. 產量每年在不斷的增加。所有產品的質保期為五年,同時我們在世界范圍內給所有產品投保200萬歐元的可靠性保險。
Ningbo Shuaixian Regulator Co., Ltd (IGT China) was founded in July 2006. It is a foreign-owned venture, located in Yuyao city, Zhejiang Province. The headquarter is placed in Copenhagen the capital of Denmark, with Integrated Gas Technologies.
Our main business is LPG regulators sold under the IGT brand name. Our products are mainly exported to Europe, Africa, South America and Australia. The regulator products have obtained related approvals, such as CE approval for Europe, SANS approval for South Africa, Chile approval for Chile, AGA approval for Australia and New Zealand. The gas hoses supplied will be according to EN559, BS3212, and DVGW for European market and AGA for Australia and New Zealand. Approvals for several other markets are pending .
We have a lot of experience in design and production of regulators. The main engineers have more than 15 years experience in this industry. We follow strict QA and QC procedures and all products have to pass a 100% performance test and leakage test on the production line as well as a 2% random QC test.
We have three main type regulators. They are the Compact type, the Jumbo type and the POL type. They come in hundreds of versions as we offer customized products solutions.
The production capacity is 2,5 millions per year. With the fast development of the company we can supply more regulators every year. All regulator products are covered by 5 years warranty and we stand by our product quality having a 5M USD product liability insurance with a world wide coverage.
We focus on servicing our customers best possibly, professionally and on time.