求實創新,服務人民,成就客戶,回報社會。帕爾瑪人以滿腔的熱情和百倍的信心,憑借我們雄厚的研發設計力量和先進的管理團隊優勢,將為用戶快速的提供具有市場竟爭力的高品質的阻燃環保墻紙, 與客戶同發展,努力打造帕爾瑪成為阻燃壁紙行業世界級領軍企業,成為消費者健康和安危著想的貼心企業。
PAERMA is one of the earlist private corporations which located in the eastern harbour city - Ningbo. The place with convenient transportation and advanced logistics.With 30years fast growing,PAERMA becomes a company with abundant capital and advanced technology.
Paerma Antiflaming Eco-friendly Wallpaper Co.,Ltd is supported by Fire Research institute who belongs to the Ministry of Public Security in the year of 2008. We have already contracted with them for the Antiflaming Wallpaper project.In2010we developed the Environmental Antiflaming Wallpaper. In the following year2011we obtained the certificate from NFTC which is a symbol to fill in the blank of lacking Antiflaming Wallpaper in Chinese wallpaper industry.
The subsidiary PAERMA Antiflaming Eco-friendly Wallpaper CO., LTD. keeps sourcing advanced Western technology along the production as well as playing active part in international industry seminar. We use the advanced production line to produce various wallpaper with many different material and options. They have been widely supplied in entertainment and public area such as: house, villa, government building, hotel, club, KTV, teahouse, high-speed rail, hospital, cinema, shopping mall, commercial building and exhibition hall etc.
Being practical minded and innovated, serving for people, contributing to clients, paying back to society. We are full of confidence and passion, depending on the strong design capability and advanced team management to offer the most competitive and high quality Evironmental Antiflaming Wallpaper to market. , We will grow up with customers together and make the PAERMA to be the world leading company with most careful of health and safety in Antifalming Wallpaper industry.