(1) 面向屋頂光伏市場,提供光伏發電系統的設計、集成和運維服務,并為各行業用戶(如電網、石油、氣象等)提供專業的光伏發電解決方案;
(2) 面向建筑及工業企業,提供能源管理系統和服務。
依托于我們的海外子公司東源控股有限公司(Dongyuan Holdings Limited),我們已在新加坡、印尼、菲律賓、泰國、印度等多個國家開展業務,業務范圍和規模正逐步增長。
Nanjing Dongyuan Electric Technology Co., Ltd. (abbr. Dongyet) is a private energy service and consulting company established in 2009. For over three years, Dongyet is a project management and system integration company, designed to offer a combination of services and products as a turnkey solution, specialized for rooftop photovoltaic power project and energy management service for commercial, government and industrial projects. Dongyet has highly experienced staff comprised of best qualified professional and motivated engineers. Dongyet deals with new technologies in areas of renewable energy and efficient energy end-use, as well as electric power technologies and technology assessment methodologies. Dongyet offers complete energy project management services including marketing, design, turnkey installation, financing, maintenance and monitoring.
Our goal is to develop and implement projects that are defined and co-developed with our customers and funded using project results that ultimately addresses business, operating, and sustainability objectives. Our expert engineers, project managers, and measurement and verification specialists are committed to providing innovative solutions that are consistent with your operational and financial objectives.
電話:+86 25 8771 2321
傳真:+86 25 8771 2321 - 819